Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Space Warrior Baldios (OST) - あしたに生きろバルディオス (Ashita ni ikiro Baldios) versuri traducere în engleză


Live for tomorrow, Baldios

We become the blue of the sky
surrounded by the gentle wind
We become the blue of the seas
rocked by the violent waves
If we lead our lives by the prayer
to protect Earth, even if we cannot see it
The blue of Hope loved by father, mother
everybody, will be revived
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, save the future!
We become the blue of the darkness
melted together with the shinning light
We become the blue of the valleys
cuddled close to the cold drops
If we lead of hearts by the oath of
live by loving, even if we cannot see it
The colour of memories lost somewhere
will revive the blue of Earth
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, challenge the future!
Blue Blue Blue Fixer
Baldios, save the future!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Space Warrior Baldios (OST)

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